dj nikkei

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Birthplace of house music

In the beginning it was just "having fun" ...but one day djnikkei declared: "let this fun become Bolgia"... and the US Bolgia was born!!!

I know my friends, during this 2 crazy weeks, we've been abusing of this cute word, but there was no other to synthesize the mood, the colours and the depth of the experiences we had toghether.
Definitely, here in Chicago I've experienced something I've been waitin for since long time ago, a strong desire of "new things new faces", big city life and bouncy house music all spinning around!

This Bolgia story begins when some ACN Knights decided to have some drinks at the Signature Lounge, 96th floor, Hancock Centre, Chicago.
The rest of the story is all about ridin & drinkin across the city with "strafigas" in huge limos, strawberry vodka in blue glasses, fluo wristbands, vip zones, from disco to disco, wild photos, her gaze, her eyes, acid tracks & live remixin, that huge YMCA neon sign, big boobs & good djs, live drumming, best people wanted, ...

...at the end, my friends, it's all about Chicago... and closing circles.
Finally I'm in the place where everything started, with wonderful people, ... and tons of Bolgia!!!

Shots from Chicago are here
Shots from the Core Analyst School are here

Posted by nikkei |

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Chicago downtown

Posted by nikkei |

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Snow angels...

Posted by nikkei |

Monday, January 16, 2006

San Carlo... pt 1

10 ore di volo ed eccoci a Chicago, poi di corsa sulla limo verso St. Charles. Fa freddo, ma meno di quanto ci aspettassimo. Appena fuori dall'area metropolitana siamo subito lontano dal nostro immaginario, qui è l'America vera, quella rurale, dei pick-up e delle casette di legno, del grocery store al distributore di benzina e delle distese d'erba. Io e mauro siamo avvolti nel tepore e nel pellame della limo (vetri oscurati ed autista in livrea!), il jet lag comincia a farsi sentire, ma tempo 40 minuti e siamo già fuori e il vento freddo che sferza il laghetto ghiacciato ci sveglia in un baleno.
Il posto è figo, true american style (un po' troppo country x i miei gusti, ma veramente confortevole) e un ristorante che spacca. Cena a base di pollo, uva e fragole biotech... camomilla e a nanna alle 9:16 pm. Domani è una lunga giornata.

Posted by nikkei |

Saturday, January 14, 2006

anticlericale... in bolgia

Posted by nikkei |

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Chicago... house of houses

Domenica mattina la vedrò dal finestrino di un 747 Alitalia...

Posted by nikkei |


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